
Showing posts from November, 2020

Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 35

  Chapter - 35 Finally the couple came to the dining table after spending the much needed time with each other and their little romantic moments. Still busy in their land, the couple didn't notice the teasing looks they are getting from their family members. Lavanya: Oyy love birds....Back to earth. Lavanya's words startled them and the situation they found themselves is quite embarrassing. So they silently sit in their place looking down at their plates waiting to be served. Noticing everyone's eyes on them, Khushi thought to divert them not knowing she is digging her own grave along with Arnav's. Khushi: La when did you come? Lavanya: Wow my friend noticed me very early. Well to your question I came here when you both are busy romancing. Koushik and Preeti are having their lunch in silence while listening to them whereas Sumitra left everything on the plate as it is just to watch the interesting drama unfolding in front of her. Vikrant: Yes di. We are waiting f

Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 34

  Chapter - 34 Lavanya along with her brother came to Khurana Mansion at almost lunch time. All are present except Nikhil, Arnav and Khushi. Nikhil is in office as he have some important works while the couple is in Arnav's room busy with packing and having their little moments. Sumitra: Come in Lavanya why are you waiting at the door. This is neither a new house to you nor we are strangers. Lavanya: Nothing like that Dadi. Just looking for Khush. Preeti: Your friend is upstairs in Arnav's room helping him pack. Vikrant: Hi everyone. Everyone greeted him back. 'Come di, we can meet Khushi di and jiju'. Lavanya (hesitated): Ahhh... Not now. May be later. Koushik: Go beta. He insisted. Lavanya: Hmmm... Uncle I don't want to walk in something that won't like to see as a friend as she is with Arnav bhai. You know what I mean right. Sumitra: Very understanding girl you are. Sumitra praised her generously. Now I got a person similar to me. See these two here are young

Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 33

  Chapter - 33 Swapna Kumar is lying on the bed and thinking of the man who is still alive in her mind and heart even after months. 'I have to do a make over for the same client in whose sagai I have seen that man'. 'Will he come there again? Will it be possible to meet him again?' 'I just wish to see him even it is from far'. 'I don't know when and how... but I fell for him that to hardly'. 'He looks like a rich man. Will he notice me or like me?' 'Even if he likes me. He is out of my reach. I can't be with him. I can't be selfish to look for my happiness leaving my responsibilities'. 'This my love will remain hidden in my heart. No one will get a whiff of my poor love which will never be returned'. ************************************ Lavanya's house Sruthi is setting breakfast on the dining table with the house help while her children are sitting at the table. All the three are waiting for the head of

Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 32

  Chapter - 32 A unknown man is walking stealthily in the garden of Khurana Mansion at night making sure his presence remain unnoticed except for one for whom he is there. But unfortunately to him or fortunate to Khushi, she noticed shadow of a figure in the garden from her room. She frowned at the figure ' who could that be? Is he a thief or a psycho? Her eyes widened at the possibility. She hurriedly came down to reach the garden before he escape or horror of horrors, he enter their house. Khushi reached down to open main door and sneak out only to see the already opened door. She look bewildered at the opened door ' who the hell of an idiot kept it open at night. Why don't that idiot give aarti and invite the intruder as only that is remaining to do. Screw loose candidate' scolded Khushi thoroughly in her mind almost wishing to beat that person. Khushi slowly moved in the direction where she saw that intruder. There she is greated with not one but two people. &#