Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 33

 Chapter - 33

Swapna Kumar is lying on the bed and thinking of the man who is still alive in her mind and heart even after months.

'I have to do a make over for the same client in whose sagai I have seen that man'.

'Will he come there again? Will it be possible to meet him again?'

'I just wish to see him even it is from far'.

'I don't know when and how... but I fell for him that to hardly'.

'He looks like a rich man. Will he notice me or like me?'

'Even if he likes me. He is out of my reach. I can't be with him. I can't be selfish to look for my happiness leaving my responsibilities'.

'This my love will remain hidden in my heart. No one will get a whiff of my poor love which will never be returned'.


Lavanya's house

Sruthi is setting breakfast on the dining table with the house help while her children are sitting at the table. All the three are waiting for the head of the house to make his appearance.

They are looking anxiously towards the stairs...... Finally the person they are waiting made his arrival. Vikram settled at his place and waiting to be served which is done immediately. Lavanya and Vikrant are exchanging nervous glances at each other. Busy in their world, they didn't notice the attention they are getting from their father.

Vikram: Do you two have anything to say?

Vikram's voice startled them and made them more nervous than before.

Vikrant and Lavanya : ????

Sighing at their behaviour, he repeated his question again.

Vikram: Do you two have anything to say to me?

Vikrant: Yes... Yes.

Vikram: Then what are you waiting for? Say.

Vikrant nudged Lavanya to start who got her signal.

Lavanya: Dad...woh Khushi's family members are going to India for Akash and Payal's wedding. She is left with Nikhil but he will be busy with office work. She have to stay alone. So....

Vikrant: So we want to stay with Khushi di till they returned from India.

Vikram: For how long will they be gone.

Lavanya: A week or a little more.

Vikram: Ok you can go. But be safe and look after each other. If not bring Khushi with you and stay here.

Lavanya, Vikrant: Thank you dad.

Sruthi: Take care and enjoy.

They hurriedly finished their breakfast and left to their respective rooms and pack along with informing Khushi about their stay.

After finishing with the call, they brought their luggages down. Vikram looked at their luggage and at their faces amused. They packed very fast than any other time. Looks like they are very eager to go to Khushi.



Arnav is driving car with a disgruntled face. Beside him on the passenger seat is Khushi enjoying the scenary or we can say she is trying to control her smile at Arnav's face.

Soon they reached their desired destination that is Radhakrishna temple saving them before they lose their control on respective emotions.

They get down from the car and climbing the steps looking at the peaceful nature surrounding them. Both together prayed for their family's welfare. After finishing with prayers, they sit on the benches placed for the worshippers in the temple, enjoying the moment in a peaceful environment.

Arnav: I have lot of works still you dragged me here.

Khushi: Oh really. You don't have works while dropping me to the college these days and now suddenly you remembered it.

Arnav: I want to spend some more time with you before leaving to India as I won't be around for a while.

Listening to his reason, Khushi's face dropped.

Arnav cupping her face told her: Don't  be sad now. I will return as soon as possible. I will talk to Nikhil to come home early so that you won't be alone till late night in home.

Khushi: You don't worry about that. I will not be alone. I asked La to stay with me for a few days. Hope her father agree for it.

Arnav: That will be good if she is with you. You won't feel bored. I will ask uncle if he disagrees with La if not Nani can make him accept. Ok.

Khushi: Hmmm.

They are distracted by the commotion inside the temple. They moved closer to know the happenings there. The scene appears as a little argument between the priest and a boy in his early teenage.

Priest: Don't do it again.

Boy: What is wrong in it?

Priest: Please someone explain this boy that giving flying kisses to god is not acceptable.

Boy: Arre.... I like him. So what is wrong in giving flying kisses to him.

Priest: This is not correct way to pray.

Boy: Why not correct. Sometimes we give kisses to the people we like. It is also same as that.

Priest: He is god not human like us.

Boy: Pandit ji you are going back on your words.

Priest: I never do that.

Boy: You did. You are the one who said that God is present in every living being. If he is in a living being, then what I did is correct.

Their argument is continuing with the increase of people in the gathering around. It seems the boy's parents are not present there.

Khushi came forward to help them but Arnav dragged her away.

Khushi: Let me go there.

Arnav: No.

They are traveling back to their home. Arnav is trying to control his smile.

Khushi: Why are you smiling now?

Arnav: That boy did have a valid question.

Khushi: Just stupid.

Arnav: How ?

Khushi: What that boy did is sort of disrespect. God is in every living being I accept that but we don't go around giving kisses to some respectable people in our society.

Likewise he should pray with proper respect and follow some beliefs and rituals. Everything has a meaning which our elders said to us. We should....

They are disturbed by a phone call.

Khushi: Hello La.

Lavanya: Dad agreed. I am coming to your house.

Khushi (excited): Really.

Lavanya: Yes. Not only me but also my brother. Have a lot to pack. I will call you later. Bye.

Khushi: Ok. Bye.

Khushi turned to tell this to Arnav.

Arnav: Uncle agreed to send La. I got it.

Khushi: Not only La but Vicky also.

Arnav: Is it ?

Khushi: Yes. Now we will enjoy a lot. You attend your boring festivities in India. Khushi teased him.

Arnav: So I am free. I can do whatever I wished for a few days.

Khushi: But don't you dare eye other girl ha.

'Handling one girl is hard enough for this life. Why add one more?' He muttered to himself and nodded at Khushi.


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