Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 32

 Chapter - 32

A unknown man is walking stealthily in the garden of Khurana Mansion at night making sure his presence remain unnoticed except for one for whom he is there. But unfortunately to him or fortunate to Khushi, she noticed shadow of a figure in the garden from her room.

She frowned at the figure ' who could that be? Is he a thief or a psycho? Her eyes widened at the possibility. She hurriedly came down to reach the garden before he escape or horror of horrors, he enter their house.

Khushi reached down to open main door and sneak out only to see the already opened door. She look bewildered at the opened door ' who the hell of an idiot kept it open at night. Why don't that idiot give aarti and invite the intruder as only that is remaining to do. Screw loose candidate' scolded Khushi thoroughly in her mind almost wishing to beat that person.

Khushi slowly moved in the direction where she saw that intruder. There she is greated with not one but two people.

'So he is not alone and had a partner with him'.

She hurriedly took her phone in the hand and dialled Arnav's number to inform him about this but heard the ring in the direction of the two men.

' Haww that man had stolen my Annie's mobile. How dare he? Is he send by some rival of Annie to get his secrets. Let me deal with this fellows'.

That man with Arnav's mobile cut her call. This angered her some more.

Khushi moved little bit closer to see what they are up to. One man is faced towards her whom she never saw till now and other man had his back to her. She leaned closer to hear them clearly if they are planning anything.

The man whose back is to her spoke. She concentrated to hear him.

Man: John why do you want to meet me?

By hearing him, Khushi is shocked because it is her Annie.

'So they are not thieves'. She is relieved but why they are meeting secretly at night.

John: Sir they stopped following Khushi madam.

Arnav: Are you sure?

John: Cent percent sure sir.

'So this is what the discussion is about. Ha ha ha that stupid might have lost his interest. Good. Now I can be free'. Khushi went to have a peaceful sleep after hearing the much needed information.

Arnav: I don't think he can retreat back that easily.

John: Even I doubt the same. He is planning something sir.

Arnav: Be alert. We have to be ready for whatever he is planning as it is Iam leaving to India in a few days.

Next day at the table during breakfast, all are having their food leisurely and getting ready to go for their respective works. Khushi is in a teasing mood but who is the victim.

Khushi: Annie I want you to find out about a person.

Sumitra, Koushik, Preeti and Nikhil along with Arnav looked up from their plates at Khushi to know more.

Arnav: Tell me the name.

Khushi: Don't know.

Koushik: Bitiya how can we find out about a person without knowing name.

Arnav: Ha. You don't know this person's name and want me to find out about him/her.

Khushi: I must know.

Arnav: May I know why you are so interested in that person.

Khushi: I need to know that person and he is present in this house.

Nikhil: This house? He asked bewildered.

Khushi: I want to know that careless, duffer, idiotic fellow.

Arnav: Why are you scolding now?

Khushi: Then what should I do?  Do you know that idiot kept our house maindoor open at midnight. Who does that other than some brainless person.

Arnav looked wide eyed at her with his mouth hang open to hear her calling him names on his face unknowingly.

Sumitra: Really who did it?

Khushi: Ha how careless. She can barely say that words without laughing out loudly at the expression of Arnav. He look comical.

Arnav looked at her closely to see her eyes twinkling and face twitching to laugh which she is trying to supress.

'So she knowingly scolded me'.

Arnav: Must have some work.

Preeti: At midnight ? Who does that?

Khushi: Ha Annie at midnight?

Arnav: Cookie stop it now.

Khushi: Why should I stop ?

Nikhil: Ha why should she?

Arnav: She is teasing me and calling me names.

Nikhil: She called that lazy fellow.

Arnav shouted frustrated 'It is me and she knew it'.

'You' all looked at him then at Khushi who is smiling hiding her face by staring at floor with great interest.

Arnav: I have some work outside.

Khushi: What is that work?

Arnav: Just some work. Thats it.

Khushi 'So he is hiding from us. If he tell us then he will have to reduce security which he don't like. Not a problem. I know what work is it and what I can do'.

Sumitra: Midnight ? Are you maintaining one more Cookie away from our eyes. She teased him

Arnav is shocked at her words.

Nikhil: Dadi do you really think he is capable of that or any girl is brave enough to come near him. Nikhil joined his Dadi in teasing his brother.

Sumitra: Woh toh hai.


Raizada Mansion

Keerthi: Hari Prakash please place all these in the car.

Devyani: Some things are still remaining in the room. She sighed tiredly.

Keerthi: Sasuma rest for some time. I will look after the arrangements.

She led Devyani to a couch to sit and made her lean back relaxedly. She turned around to gather remaining gifts only to stop short at the sight of Arun still in casual dress and attending some business call.

' This father and son will be the death of mine. Always business... business'. She moved to stand close to him. He didn't notice her even after standing there for longtime.

This managed to raise her irritation to another level. Keerthi snatched his mobile and answered herself.

Keerthi: I don't know who you are but we have some unfinished important works. He will call you later. Please don't mind.

She spoke as politely as possible at present condition and hang up the call and placed the mobile back in Arun's hand who stood as a statue with his jaw threatening to hit floor.

Keerthi: Now what are you looking at my face. Go and get ready.

She muttered 'He won't help us in any way works and top of that he is making some stupid calls wasting our time'.

It is clearly audible to Arun. He left to his room without a word. Also what can he say, will he live after questioning her...Bechara....


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