Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 35

 Chapter - 35

Finally the couple came to the dining table after spending the much needed time with each other and their little romantic moments. Still busy in their land, the couple didn't notice the teasing looks they are getting from their family members.

Lavanya: Oyy love birds....Back to earth.

Lavanya's words startled them and the situation they found themselves is quite embarrassing. So they silently sit in their place looking down at their plates waiting to be served. Noticing everyone's eyes on them, Khushi thought to divert them not knowing she is digging her own grave along with Arnav's.

Khushi: La when did you come?

Lavanya: Wow my friend noticed me very early. Well to your question I came here when you both are busy romancing.

Koushik and Preeti are having their lunch in silence while listening to them whereas Sumitra left everything on the plate as it is just to watch the interesting drama unfolding in front of her.

Vikrant: Yes di. We are waiting for you from long time.

Khushi: We are packing Arnav's luggage.

Arnav: Yes it took more time because of this crazy girl. Instead of helping me, she increased my work.

Lavanya: Yes bhai we can see how she increased your work just by looking at your cheek.

All heads turned to look at the said cheek which turned red due to the assault it took in the hands of Khushi.

Sumitra teasingly asked: Chote how come your one cheek is red. Come on tell us now.

Khushi with red face: Nani....woh

Sumitra: Ha tell .... tell I am listening.

Seeing the situation getting out of hands Arnav tried other way.

Arnav: Nani where is Nikhil? It is past lunch still he is not here.

Koushik: He have some work so he is having his lunch outside.

Throughout the lunch Arnav talked about different aspects to divert them from him and his Cookie otherwise he the ASR will become a laughing stock.

Arnav quickly finished his lunch and citing some work, he escaped from there followed by Khushi. But how can Lavanya leave them just like that, so she followed after Khushi.

Looking at their retreating backs Sumitra pouted in disappointment for missing out the drama. She looked at her son and daughter-in-law who are very much interested in the food places on their plates.'Inka kuch nahi ho sakta'.

Arnav: It is all because of you.

Khushi: What did I do now?

Arnav: Because of you my cheek turned red and they are hell bent on embarrassing us.

'Ohh... so sad' said Lavanya making her presence known.

Khushi: La what are you doing here? Do you need anything?

Lavanya: First you tell me Khush what happened to bhai's cheek.

Khushi: How do I know about that? Ask him said Khushi in frustration throwing him off guard.

Lavanya turned to him for answers.

Arnav: Woh.... mosquito bite. That is why my cheek is red.

Lavanya: Mosquito bite? Really?

Arnav: Ha.

Lavanya: Then ask that (looking at Khushi) to bite you a little less right Khushi.

She left from there smiling teasingly at them.

Khushi: She thinks I bit you.

Arnav: I really wish her words are true but she doesn't know it is because of your violence not romance. I am not that lucky. He sighed dramatically making Khushi glare at him.


Sunil: After long days, my son is happy. What is the matter Aman?

Aman looked at him surprisingly. 'Is it clearly visible on his face'.

Sunil: Don't be surprised Iam your father. I know how my son is. Also anyone can tell that just by looking at you. Till some days back you are very moody but now a days you are literally bouncing on your steps.

Gauri: Yes even I noticed you are happy and smiling a lot.

Aman: I can't hide from you. I feel that I will meet her very soon.

Sunil: You mean the girl who might become our daughter-in-law.

Aman: Yes.

Gauri: How can you say so ?

Aman: I met her in Gupta house during Akash's engagement. She might be from Akash's or Payal's side. I don't know exactly. As they are getting married in a few days, there is a high chance she will turn up for the upcoming wedding.

' But still I have a doubt because she is not there for long time. Maybe she is any staff for arranging the sagai'.

Sunil: When you meet her again make sure to ask her name and to get a photo of her so we can also see her.

Gauri: Yes.....yes don't day dream after you saw her and again sulk after wedding because you don't know anything about her. It is not like they will get married again just so you can meet the girl.

Gauri teased her son mercilessly to which she was rewarded with a blushy Aman Mathur.

Poor friends eventhough they are in different countries, they are facing the same situation. Getting teased in the same day about their girls.


Malik Mansion

Manorama: Come fast beta, we are getting late.

Vedika: Ha maa just two minutes.

Manorama was waiting from last half n hour for her daughter so that they can go for shopping as her only son is getting married. She want to enjoy it each and every moment as she doesn't get to enjoy during her daughter's marriage.

Manorama turned around to call her daughter again but stopped after seeing Vedika coming down along with Sheetal. 'Why does that Sheetal always roam around Vedika like a lost puppy searching for its mother. Don't know why but whenever they are together, she gets negative vibes from her'.

Manorama: Sheetal when did you come?

Sheetal: About an hour back auntie.

Manorama: Are you coming along with us for shopping?

'Please say no witch  Please say no' but unlucky Manorama.

Sheetal: Yes I am also coming with you.

Manorama: Ohh... Did you bring enough money as we are going to a expensive designer whose designed dresses are very costly.

She tried to discourage from joining them as she knew Sheetal belongs to a middle class family and can't afford a kerchief from the boutique they are visiting.

Vedika: Maa why do she need to bring money? She is with me, so I will pay for her.

Manorama: What ? Why will you pay for her? I don't want a charity case with me.

Sheetal looked hurt almost on verge of shedding tears.

Vedika shouted: Maa Sheetal is like my sister. She is not a charity case.

Manorama: But she is not like my daughter for me. I won't spend on outsider.

Vedika: You don't have to pay for her. Iam here to look after her needs.

Sheetal looked at her with gratitude.

Manorama's thoughts: I will pay for her. She imitated Vedika. Who gave her money? My son. He is working day and night to make money. Here she is  spending lavishly on that witch. Vedika is his sister, so he will look after her but what is the need for him to earn for that Sheetal. This Vedika is wasting my Akash's hardwork.

Akash came there: Maa I am ready. Shall we start?

Vedika: Yes Akash. We will wait outside. Come Sheetal.

Both the girls walked away from the mother-son duo. Akash looked at his mother questioningly.

Akash: Maa what is Sheetal doing with di. We are going for shopping right.

Manorama: She is also coming with us. And you know your sister want to buy for Sheetal.

Akash: Whaaat? I don't want her with us.

Manorama: Same feeling here. But I don't want to disappoint your sister.

Akash is irritated with her presence.

Manorama ' Thank god that girl didn't eye my son nor my son is interested in that half naked girl. Don't know why she never like to cover her body'.


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