Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 19


Chapter - 19

That day completed without much events. Everybody went to sleep early to wake up early the next morning for last minute preparations.

Next day

A lot of hustle bustle is going on in Gupta Mansion as engagement is taking place there. Madhumathi is busy ordering people around her rudely with arrogance as if she owns them as her slaves.

A beautician is making Payal ready in her room. When Madhumathi entered her room, Payal is almost ready to be called for rituals.

Madhumathi: What is this, she is looking as bride's relative not as a bride.

Beautician: She is looking elegant madam.

Madhumathi: Don't teach me what to do. Be in your limits. Remove those ornaments, they are way too simple for a bride. Add that heavy one. She must look rich.

Payal: Maa leave it. I selected those ornaments. I will wear heavy one for wedding.

Madhumathi: Beta, you don't know anything. Wear that now. For your wedding, I will order another one with grand look. After all you are the heiress of this Gupta property, should look like one.

Madhumathi made her ready against Payal's words.

Beautician (in mind): Arrogant lady. Don't know much about fashion and how to get ready for different occasions but never listens to others. I doubt this is against bride's wish. Hope she doesn't force her daughter for this marriage.

Madhumathi: See now you are looking like a princess.


Raizadas reached early as they live besides Gupta Mansion. Keerthi went to see Payal is ready or she needs any help. Keerthi is behind Madhumathi from the time she entered Payal's room.

Keerthi's POV: Princess ? Ha ha ha lets see your face when the real princess enters. She owns Gupta property ? Oh my god ! People are day dreaming more now a days. It is Shashi bhai' s pity that brought them here and gave a luxurious life if not who would have bothered about her.

Keerthi: Payal you are looking beautiful. Even you Madhu.

Payal: Thanks aunty.

Madhumathi: See I told you.

Beautician's POV: No polite person says how ugly others are especially on a girl's face definitely not to this arrogant fat lady fearing her rude words. God I wish you send someone that shows her mirror so she can look at her oh so pretty face in different perspective. I wonder she is really bride's mother. Daughter is timid and polite while mother... Don't go there. I don't want to waste time on useless people. Just get payment and get lost.

Madhumathi: Hey girl, if your day dreaming is finished, then take this money and get lost from here.

Beautician went from there hurriedly. She didn't see who is entering in the house and..... banged with someone making them both fall on the floor. She looked up to see, she is laying on a man probably in mid twenties. She get up from floor muttering a sorry flew from there. That man lay there on the ground till someone kicked him walking him from his dreamland.

Meanwhile in Raizada Mansion

Arnav's POV

All are ready for today's function except for my Cookie. She is taking long time.

Arnav: How much time she will take.

Devyani: Patience Chote.

Sumitra: Practice it for future use. This happens most of the time.

Nikhil: Mom you people leave. Me, bhai and Pari will come together.

Preeti: Are you sure.

Arnav: Sure Mami.

Nikhil: Yes Mom.

Arun: Careful.

Old people left. Now only we two are waiting. Aman will reach there directly. How much time Cookie ? Hearing anklets sound I looked up to see my beauty descending stairs looking out of world. I am literally drooling over her.

Nikhil: Bhai close your mouth else you will wet the floor with your drool. I know my Pari is beautiful. It is hard to control.

I glared at him for his joke. I am not wetting floor ok.

Nikhil:  My little sis, you are looking very beautiful today, don't know how many men will fall for you in the function and try to gain your attention.

Arnav: As if I give them a chance.

Khushi: Even if you don't, I will neglect them. One grumpy fellow is enough for this life. Maybe in another life.

And she left just like that leaving us here when we were waiting for her till now.

Khushi: Are you both coming or not ?

Arnav and Nikhil: Wait for me.

We both are following Khushi closely as Gupta Mansion is beside us, we don't bother about driving a car. Aman messaged me that he reached venue. Where is this man ? I informed  Nikhil about this. While searching for Aman we didn't concentrate on Cookie who is entering her own house as a stranger after these many years and she being her clumsy self didn't notice before her and tripped on a object near the entrance in the living room. We caught her before she fell flat on her face.

Wait a second, its not any object but my own bestie laying on the floor as a carpet near entrance where anyone can step over him like my Cookie. He is not moving an inch and staring at the ceiling dreamily. If not for the breathing movements of his chest I would have thought him to be dead. We tried calling him... but no reaction. What the hell is happening here ? Frustrated I kicked him a bit hard.

End of POV

Aman: Ahh.. what happened ? Who dare to kick me ?

Arnav: I kicked you. If this continues I will not hesitate to kick you again.

Aman: You would have called me.

Khushi: Amu bhai we doing that only for few minutes but you didn't respond.

Nikhil: Waise bhai, why are you laying on the floor, if you want you can rest in a room right.

Aman: I am not resting, she bumped with me and I fell down. Speaking of her, where is that girl ?

Arnav: Stupid dreaming about a girl on the ground. Atleast now getup otherwise people may use you for carpet.

Nikhil: Bhai you fell on the ground or for the girl ?

Khushi: Wow, I got bhabhi. Where is she ? What is her name ? Come on give me details.

Aman: I myself don't know.

Nikhil: Means you confirm her as bhabhi.

Khushi: What you don't know, then how will we find her.

Oh god, why are you testing us. Please give me a bhabhi soon who bhai liked. Pretty please....


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