Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 21


Chapter - 21

Madhumathi ( shocked and surprised): Khushi is alive ???
How is this possible ? I made sure she is dead. Raizadas performed her funeral or is it a drama played by them to pour water in my plans.

Raizada Mansion

They ( children and khuranas) are packing to leave for London as the purpose of their visit is completed including Arnav's new branch opening but some works are remaining which can be managed from London. While they are busy packing, door bell rang indicating the arrival of a person. HP opened the door to see a man in early twenties with a bouquet.

HP: Ji .. app ?

Visitor: I am here to deliver this bouquet.

HP: To whom ?

Delivery boy: Ms.Muskaan.

HP: Ok. I will give it her.

Delivery boy: I was instructed to give it directly to her.

HP: Just wait here I will call her.

And shouted - Muskaan bitiya someone is here to deliver flowers to you.

Hearing HP, all gathered thinking who would send flowers to Khushi as she is in India for few days only.

Khushi: Flowers for me ?

Delivery boy: Madam are you Ms.Muskaan ?

Khushi: Yes.

Delivery boy: This is for you.

He went from there after he gave bouquet to her.

Arnav: Who send this to you Cookie ?

Khushi: How can I know Arnav ? See there is a note with it. Maybe we can know from that.

Arnav snatched the note from her before she even read it.


My beautiful Muskaan,

               I am eagerly waiting for the day to make you officially mine.

                              Yours to be life partner
                                     Nakul Mehra

After reading the note, Arnav throw that bouquet from Khushi's hand in anger. On seeing this level of anger in Arnav, others are quite shocked as they never see this side of him which is only reserved for the outer world. Arun took note to read it out by himself. After hearing what is written on it everyone understood Arnav. Some wondering who is this Nakul while youngsters faces showed recognition.

Flashback to engagement day

After Arnav dragged Khushi from her father's room, they are waiting in the hall for the rituals to begin when some ladies are trying to make a conversation with Khushi. Boys went to a little distance to give some time and privacy.

While the ladies are talking, a man in mid twenties come to them. He excused from the ladies to talk with Khushi. Seeing one man near Khushi, they came to her and stood behind the stranger while Khushi is looking at the man with confusion.

Stranger: Hi I am Nakul Mehra and you are ?

Khushi: Muskaan.

Nakul: A beautiful name for a beautiful lady like you.

Khushi looked at him in anger.

Khushi: Are You trying to flirt with me ?

Nakul: No. You see I am a straightforward person. I just speak bluntly whatever it may be.

Khushi: So ? What do you want to tell now ?

Nakul: I like you very much. So I would like to marry you. Will you marry me ?

Khushi ( shocked): What ? Are you mad ? I don't even know you.

Nakul: We can know each other.

Khushi: Look I am not interested. So you can leave.

Khushi turned to go but he clutched her hand. Arnav called him from behind. Distracted, Nakul left her hand. Using the opportunity, Khushi left from there. Throughout the engagement, boys stayed with her leaving Nakul no chance.

Flashback ends

Arnav: How dare him ?

Sumitra: Chotey leave it beta. We are not staying here for long. So don't bother about him.

Nikhil: Ha bhai, we are leaving today. Why should we take unnecessary tension. Not seeing Pari here for long, he may forget about her.

Khushi: Come lets continue our packing. The early we go from here, the less he may know about me.

Listening to khushi, Arnav let it go for now.


Gupta Mansion

Madhumathi's POV

All my plans are collapsed now. This slip of a girl missed her death but how ? How is she alive ? Maybe Raizadas know about her as Arnav is made incharge now. Where can she be ? Think.. think Madhumathi. You will get it.
.  .   .   .   . Wait that girl Muskaan. The way Arnav is close to her along with whole family. She seem familiar to me. Is this girl Khushi ? Are they playing a game with me ? Do they know about my return role in Khushi's murder attempt ?

They are still in India. I can clarify my doubt. Lets see who this girl is actually.

End of POV

She went to Raizada Mansion. They packed everything and just had breakfast relaxing in living room. That is when Madhumathi came inside. On seeing her, Arnav was very irritated.

Arnav ( muttered): Why are these people hell bent on testing my patience.

Khushi glared at him which is enough to shut his mouth.

Madhumathi: Namaste.

Devyani: Namaste. What happened Madhu ? You seem slightly tensed.

Madhumathi: Ha.. nothing Maaji. I just came to spend sometime with you people. I was busy with preparations and all. So I didn't concentrate on you people. So I came now.

Keerthi: Oh.. how is everything going on ?

Madhumathi: Good. This girl ? I don't about her.

Arun: She is Muskaan, Arnav's friend from London.

Madhumathi: Where is her family ?

Devyani: Arre Madhu, I already told you. They are in London. Did you forget.

Madhumathi: No Maaji. What I mean to ask is that... Is she only child of her parents?

Khushi: No aunty. I have a sister.

All looked at Khushi in confusion. Where does this non existent sister came from when all this is a lie.

Madhumathi: Really beta. Can I see them ?

Preeti asked her why she is so interested in her parents suddenly.

Madhumathi: I just want to see her parents who raise her with good values as Maaji said. Even though they stayed in London all their life, they gave her our Indian culture instead of that western style.

Khushi: Sure aunty why not. She show her a photo in mobile and told that they are her parents.

All are trying to look at the pic curiously.

Somewhere in Delhi

Man: I will get you Muskaan .... all for myself, then you may not need to go out from here even for a small thing.

I will place the world at your feet but you will love me. Only me.

If you are not mine, then you will not become someone else's.

You will be mine. I know afterall who can love you more than me ? 


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