Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 22


Chapter - 22

Raizada Mansion

Khushi: Sure why not aunty. She showed her a pic a mobile and told that they are her parents.

All are trying to look at the pic curiously and anxiously. On seeing the pic Khushi is showing, they all sighed in relief and mentally appreciated Khushi  for her sense of timing with presence of mind.

Madhumathi: What they do beta ?

Khushi: My father is a doctor and mother is homemaker. My sister is also a medical student.

Madhumathi: Ohh! Doctor family yours is.

Khushi: Ji

Madhumathi left from there nervously thinking about the possibilities. At the door step, she turned to Arnav and thought to ask him about Khushi but deciding against that she left hurriedly from there to find out about Khushi's whereabouts.

On seeing her bua's retreating figure, Khushi thought about what brought her here.


Arnav: What are you planning ? Tell us if it is safe, we will follow otherwise we will think of an alternative. ( Recall chapter 14)

Khushi: It is little bit risky especially for you.

Arnav: I am ready to risk anything even if it is my life.

Khushi: No don't talk about your life. I have... I have decided to make you incharge of Gupta textiles till our children take over it. As you know my profession is completely different it.

Arnav: But why me ? Dad is already looking after it.

Khushi: No Annie, I don't want to burden him in this age. Arnav you are  handling your own fashion house. With Guptas, you can reach new heights in business. Amu bhai will help you in this.

Aman: Yeah Arnav, Chutki is right.

Others also agreed with her along with Arnav.

Khushi: But it is little risky.

Nikhil: Why ?

Khushi: She may target Annie.

Arnav: Don't worry about that. If she tries anything like you fear, she will face Arnav Singh Raizada's cruelty exclusively for her.

All are satisfied with the plan and thinking of a fake name for Khushi.

Arnav (whispered to Khushi): You already planned about our children's future, then why don't you marry me now. We can start our work to welcome them in this world.

Khushi blushed at his words which went unnoticed by others as they are busy arguing about a name.

Arnav (faking surprised): Really Cookie, now you are blushing like a shy girl but just a few minutes before you declared about our children to all of them.

Khushi (Blushing): Annie shut up.

' Arre here we are busy arguing about a name for Khushi but see there my naughty grandson is trying to romance her.' said Sumitra on seeing a shy Khushi.

That brought the love birds from their dream world. To divert attention from them, Khushi hurriedly answered for them.

Khushi: I will not come to India as Khushi. As Annie already introduced me as Muskaan, his University friend to Akash whom he invited for his engagement. So I will be as Muskaan in India.

Flashback end

Khushi's POV: My guess is right. Her first doubt is on me only as I am very close to this family especially Arnav.

I really enjoyed watching her face after knowing I am alive somewhere which is not good for her greedy self.

My so-called bua, when you killed my parents, there is no proof but now I will catch you with full proofs which you can't decline. This is my gift to my dead parents. Wait and watch your doom.

Arnav brought her out of thoughts telling about their departure.

They departed from house to airport where they are joined by Aman. Boarding the flight, they are back to their safe place. What they don't notice is that they were followed.


Few days later

Everything is going on as usual without any interesting events. Returning from college, Khushi freshen up and joined Sumitra where she is chatting with Preeti who reached early from work.

Khushi: Pheww. Finally I am free.

Sumitra caressed her tired face making her lay on her lap.

Sumitra: So my butterfly is free now.

Khushi: Ha Nani. My exams are finished now.

Preeti: What you planned  for this holidays Chutki.

Khushi: For now no plan Chachi, only relaxation. Later I will think about anything.

They continued chatting for a while who was joined by the men of the house. After refreshing, they came down. Noticing Nikhil's absence, Khushi went in search of him. She went to terrace where she heard the words that left her shocked.


Nikhil: Love you La.

Lavanya: ....

Nikhil: I am little tensed about your dad. When we can tell this to others. You know they are giving suspicious glances to me every now and then.

Lavanya: ....

Nikhil: Listen to me. I....

'So this is what happening behind us'. Nikhil turned around to see Khushi along with Arnav and Aman looking at him quite shocked.

Nikhil: Ha Pa.. Pari what happened ?

Khushi: That is what I am asking bhai what ? When and how it happened ? You and Lavanya.

Understanding that they heard everything, he tried to explain.

Nikhil: Me and La are in relationship.

Arnav: From when ?

Nikhil: Before we left to India.

Khushi (shocked): Haa.. you liers, you doesn't feel the need to tell us. Now I became a stranger to you right.

Nikhil rushed to explain her: No.. no Pari. Its not like that, you were in tension about what will happen in India. So I thought to tell you later but after that you have exams which will be spoiled in your excitement.

Aman: Even You are no more single then.

Sensing sadness behind his words, Khushi turned to her other brother.

Khushi: Bhai do you still think about taht girl you met in India.

Aman: I never forget her to think again.

Nikhil: Do you believe, you both are meant to be. On getting Aman's positive response, they are thinking for a solution to find the girl who they don't know a bit not even her name.


Nakul's POV

Why this Muskaan is being followed by many bodyguards. What might be the reason ? My men can't gather much information about her. Have to increase my efforts. I have to get her and own her my own sanity.


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