Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 23


Chapter - 23

Back to Khurana Mansion

Aman: I feel like I miss most important part of my life. She makes me feel complete.

Arnav: Do you want to lead your life with her ? We want clarity from your side.

Aman nodded. On getting Aman's positive response, they are thinking for a solution to find the girl who they don't know a bit not even her name.

A small house in a middle class locality

It just has three rooms which is too little for a family to stay there. For outsiders, how can three people live there which is hardly sufficient for one person. But what they don't understand is that they are satisfied with what they have for two reasons. One - it is their father's/husband's hard earned one who is no more in this world. Two - when you are happy with what you have that is money sufficient for living or relations, then what is the necessary of a big house. They never thought of the size of the house in negative ways but positive that how due to little space, they stay more close to their beloved ones.

The eldest daughter of the house prepared breakfast and went to get ready for the day. While getting ready, she was lost in the thoughts of a man whose memories are haunting her from a few days.

When she is lost in thoughts, her sister and mother are waiting to have breakfast with her. After waiting for few minutes, when she didn't come out to the living room, they called her out loudly bringing her back to present where she is getting late for work. Living everything, she went ahead with her day trying to forget a certain person.

Malik Mansion

Akash's POV

Its been few days that I got to know the cruelty of my to-be Sasuma. For whole world, she is an unfortunate woman who lost her husband in a young age followed by her brother and his family. But the truth is entirely different from the facade.

She is a cunning fox in the disguise of a loyal dog. I still can't believe the truth I myself heard from her mouth.

Flashback - Few days after engagement

Akash went to Gupta Mansion to take Payal for a date. Akash was waiting in the living room waiting for her. Getting impatient, he thought to see what is making her late but he stopped at Madhumathi's room listening to her.

Madhumathi (on call): Krishna I gave you the amount more than you asked but you never completed your task.

Krishna: ....

Madhumathi: Shut up don't bluff. Khushi is alive not dead and the reason is you. Its entirely your fault.

Krishna: ......

Madhumathi: Not a word, its because of your carelessness, she is still breathing in this world. You are just useless.

Krishna: .....

Madhumathi: I don't know what you do but I want her dead. No one should know about it.

Krishna: ....

Madhumathi: Don't give me stupid excuses. Just find her and finish of the work which you left incomplete few years back. I won't tolerate mistakes this time.

Akash was stunned hearing this. He don't know what to do, so he left not even meeting Payal.

Flashback end

She.. she tried to kill her own niece for what ? Property ? Is it more valuable than a life. It seems Khushi and Raizadas knew about this. So they are covering the existence of Khushi from the world. But it seems, there is more to this which they know.

Payal will be shattered to know about her mother. Oh shit, I have been neglecting her from past 2 weeks. When she is not at fault. Even I have to keep this matter away from everyone.

I have to do something to pacify her. How can I neglect her when there is no fault of her. Think.....think Akash..... Yes I got it.

End of POV


Arnav: I got an idea.

Aman, Nikhil and Khushi: What ?

Arnav: As I opened a new branch of AK in India, I need a trustworthy person to look after it. Why don't we send Aman to India for that work. He will be able to search his Swapnoki rani there.

Khushi: Wow! What an idea sirji. Being with me, you also started using your brain. Keep it up.

Khushi exclaimed tapping his shoulder. Arnav glared at her action which she doesn't bother and choose to not notice it.

Nikhil: I think it is better for present situation. You being in London and she in India will not help much Bhai. On the top of that, you knew nothing about her.

Aman: But how can I ? Leaving you all ?

Khushi: Its ok bhai. You are not far like on a different planet. Whenever you want, you can come here. But if you stay here, she may marry someone else. I don't want you to miss your complete life's happiness just for a short time satisfaction.

Arnav: Yeah Aman. Just follow your heart. This way you can stay with your parents. For us, you are stay away from them for the last few years. Don't make us more guilty by sacrificing your happiness for us. We will never be able to forgive ourselves.

Listening all their words, Aman also felt it right to do. If he make that branch good enough, it will be helpful when they shift to India as they are not staying here permanently.

Aman: Ok, I will leave but not now.

Khushi: No bhai.

Aman: No. You listen to me this time. We will go for a short vacation, then I will go to Delhi.

Nikhil: It is also acceptable.

Arnav: Then lets search for a place to go. We will complete our works before it.

Khushi: Yeah, how can you leave without office romance.

Nikhil (shocked): What office romance. Do you have a girl there bhai. Are you cheating behind Pari.

Arnav: What.... No no I don't have any girl in my life other than Cookie.

Aman used this chance to tease his friend.

Aman: How can you do like that Arnav. Now what will happen to our sister. I never thought youu... Out of all you will do this to her. Oh god! Why are we still alive after seeing this.

Arnav (irritated): Just stop it.

Nikhil: No we won't. Come I will tell bua (Keerthi) about it.

Khushi: Arre bhai wait, don't tell Maa.

Nikhil: How can you still support him Pari. My poor little sister, you have me. Don't fear about him.

Khushi (shouted): Chup. Ek dhum chup. He don't have any girl in office.

Nikhil: But you said office romance.

Khushi: What I mean is him romancing office staying more time there but you took altogether different meaning for it. Do you really think a girl will roam anywhere near to a grumpy man like him let alone romance. Only I am unfortunate enough to be that girl.

Hearing this all burst out laughing except Arnav who is shooting daggers at them through eyes which unfortunately don't have any effect on them.


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