Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 31


Chapter - 31

Aman entered his home hell tired with the works on his shoulders. He sit on a couch in the living room leaning back relaxing. His father is already present when he came and looked at his son with worried eyes as he is becoming thin from the last few days with lack of rest and heavy work.

His mother came with a tray having a strong coffee and water for his refreshment along with a few snacks. He took his coffee to reduce the pain pounding his forehead like a hammer on  hitting it.

His parents are all set to question him about his health conditions especially the reason for this.

Aman hurriedly climb up the stairs to his rooms as if he is chased by a group of dogs. It is the only way to escape their questions for now as he don't have an answer well for most of them anyway. It is better to ignore the impending questions for a while than telling lies. It is not like he is not interested or unwilling to answer them but he is not ready at present.

Sunil and Gauri looked at Aman's retreating figure longingly with a hint of sadness as they are not able to help their only son to relieve his tensions or burdens whatever it maybe.

This is one of the few times they really wished for his gang to be present here. They knew for sure how to bring their son back to his cheerful self. Bad luck, now is not the right time for that. But they wish it to happen soon.


Nakul: Robin from today don't follow her. It is of no use with the increased security.

Robin: But boss...

Nakul raised his hand effectively shutting his mouth before he speak further.

Nakul: I am sure they knew about you people following her.

Robin: It is not possible boss. We are discrete. There are very few chances they can know about us. It is almost next to impossible.

He gloated to his boss about his ability arrogantly so sure of his work.

Nakul: Not impossible. With the way the people around her taking extra measures and increased security are high signs that they knew about us.

Robin: Maybe we can kidnap her and you can do whatever you wish with that girl, then we can leave her. It is anyway waste of time to always follow her around without doing anything. You want her boss, so will arrange for it.

He said it smugly with a greasy smile on his face. But the smile vanished after taking a look at his boss's face which is twitching with anger. He felt a pain on his cheek only to realise that his boss had slapped him hardly.

He looked at his boss fearfully who is looking as if he could kill him and make him vanish from the very surface of the earth. He trembled at fury he witnessed on his boss's face. He moved a few steps back just to be in safe side what if he tried to harm him, he may have a chance to escape.

Nakul is angry at his man who was sprouting nonsense about his Khushi that to infront of him. Never for once he thought of using and discarding as a tissue. He need much more than that. He shouted at Robin glaring angrily making him crawl farther from him. If looks can kill, he would be ashes by now.

Nakul: Don't you dare demean her anyway. I don't want her only for once but a lifetime with her.

Robin: But boss, it is not first time you are asking for a girl. So what is the difference this time. He asked scared of his reaction.

Nakul: Yes it is not first time but she is not like other girls. She is different and unique and I want such a unique being only for myself for my whole life till I am alive.

Robin: Ok boss. I understood. What we have to do?

Nakul: You work on getting the next shipment of drugs safe to its destination. Be careful about the cops as they are on alert. I guess they have an inkling of what is going on.

Robin: Yes boss. I will plan accordingly along with our team members.

Nakul looked at the man with a strange smile on his face.


Khushi: What is all these things Nani. Are you planning to marry again? Do you have a boyfriend. Tell me I will handle everything for you. She asked her beautiful Nani sitting beside her with a naughty glint in her eyes.

Sumitra: Badmash !!! What will I do getting married at this age when it is your thing. She chided Khushi smilingly.

Khushi: Ahh... bad luck for that old men out there who are single for missing such a great opportunity. She exclaimed dramatically pitying all the old single men.

Preeti and Koushik laughed at her drama. Taking this as a support and encouragement she tried again. Sumitra caught her ear and twisted it.

Khushi: Awww.... Aaaaa... Nani leave my soft and tender ear, otherwise it will remain red for a few days. Can you watch your butterfly with red ears wincing in pain with every single touch at them.

Sumitra left her ear mock glaring at her.

Sumitra: Chup nautanki.

Khushi: Ok ok jokes apart. What are you doing with these many things?

Preeti: Chutki those are for Payal and Akash.

Khushi: But why this many ?

Koushik: Even I am asking beta that but what can I do infront of this ladies. You know bitiya, they shopped like crazy teenagers hopping from one mall to other. If I didn't stop them I doubt they would have brought whole mall.

Khushi: Chooo sad. My poor Chachu.

Koushik: Yes beta. They don't have any mercy on me just thrust their bags in my hands to carry their things. My poor hands are aching badly.

He carried on his drama not seeing the looks he is receiving from his mom and wife. Khushi sit near him, she leaned and whispered in his ears so only he can hear.

Khushi: Stop now or they will eat you alive.

That is when he noticed the murderous looks from the both ladies which successfully sealed his lips from speaking further. He tried to smile at them innocently but how can they leave it just like that. They pounced on him arguing with him ready to bite his head off. Koushik looked helpless at Khushi for help. Taking pity on his condition, she decided to intervene.

Khushi: 'Nani' screamed Khushi which caused everyone to still at their places.

Sumitra: What happened why are you shouting?

Khushi: No one is noticing me from long time and the top of that no one answered my question. She said sadly and pouted at them for adding more effect.

Preeti: What do you want?

Khushi: I asked why this many things for Payal and Akash. Not even one of them is for me. Why?

Sumitra: No dear. Come near your Nani. She sit with her and looked at her for answer. But the answer came from Preeti.

Preeti: Because they are for my sister-in-law's sister-in-law.

Khushi: Maa won't say anything to you even if you go empty handed.

Preeti: I know. But my worry is about Manorama and her sharp tongue. She sees love in this non living and expensive things.

Khushi: Don't worry about her Chachi. She may be little greedy not heartless.

Sumitra: Who knows?

Khushi: Leave your worries, Manorama auntie can be anything but another Madhumathi. She will never be also. I can assure you of that.

She signaled Koushik to leave. Sensing the ladies distraction from him and also receiving the much needed signal, Koushik escaped from there to save his head which is in between the two open ends of a scissor.

Khushi: Hmmm. What about me then, I am your sister-in-law's to be bahu. So I should get more gifts than this right.

Preeti smiled at her playful words. She cupped her cheeks lovingly.

Preeti: I know what you want. You are not interested in expensive gifts. But we will not lag behind when it is your time to receive gifts. I can bet on it that you will need may servants to carry those gifts.

Khushi: Really then I will demand Arnav for a separate room in advance just to place my gifts.


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