Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 27


Chapter - 27

Let me introduce new characters

Swapna Kumar - 22 years old

A girl with lot of responsibilities on her shoulders at a small age. Never had time to think about herself.

Divya Kumar - 18 years old

Studious girl. Just started her graduation. Helds a lot of dreams for life and most of them are for her sister Swapna.

Radha Kumar - 45 years old

Lovely mother of theses two sisters. Had some health issues but tries to reduce the burden on her elder daughter.

Shiva Kumar - Late

Abruptly passed away two years back in a accident. Now sticked to the wall looking at how miserably his family is living ( from photograph).


Days are going on with these six people enjoying their trip roaming around different places with couples facing teases constantly. But someone is restless there in London not knowing whereabouts of the girl he is obsessed with.

There in Delhi, Payal convinced her mother very easily that led to suspicion in Payal's mind. How can she know her mother is afraid of her marriage breaking if the truth about Khushi being alive comes out.

All knows how Manorama wished to get Khushi as her daughter in law. After Khushi's death, Manorama accepted Payal only due to the property gain from this marriage. If she know Khushi is very much alive and everything single penny is in her control, then they have to forget about Payal getting married to Akash.

But.... the situation in Akash's home is not similar as Manorama is not agreeing to prepone their marriage. The sudden proposal raised some doubts in her.

A fine day, the people gone for vacation are strolling in the beach enjoying the night breeze after having filled their stomach with delicious food. The pleasant atmosphere is disturbed with a shrill ring of a mobile. Everyone looked at the source of disturbance and found it in the hands of Khushi. Noticing their looks of irritation, she excused herself to attend the call.

Khushi is coming to them with a gloomy face after speaking to the other person on the call. Grasping the tensed look on her, others get alert. They rushed to her to know the reason behind this sudden change in mood of the ever chirpy girl of their gang.

" What's the matter Cookie" asked Arnav.

Still in trance, Khushi tell them " she knows about me".

Vikrant: Who di ?

Khushi: My bua.

Nikhil: From when and how she got to know about you. We always did everything after thinking several times to hide your identity.

Khushi: Through TV show.

Arnav: You never appeared in any shows nor anyone knew about your personal life, we make sure of it.

Khushi: La's father.

Lavanya: He knows about that evil lady. So there is no chance of him contacting that old woman you call bua.

Aman: Just shut up all of you. Chutki tell us clearly what happened.

Khushi explained them how Madhumathi got to know about her.


Madhumathi was browsing through TV and watch something to divert her mind from the problems at hand. While changing the channels, she came across an interview of a famous pediatrician in London who is an Indian.

At first, she thought of changing the channel but the man's face made her stop. She seems to know him but from where? that is a question remained unanswered. So she started watching the interview.

Interviewer: Dr. Kashyap from how many years are you staying in London living your country.

Dr. Kashyap: More than 30 years. I came to study here, then married and settled here itself.

Interviewer: Have you ever thought of going back to India permanently.

Dr. Kashyap: I occasionally visit India but never gave a thought of staying there. Lets see what future hold for me.

Interviewer: You are one of the most experienced doctor in your field with a good game. How do you feel about that ?

Dr. Kashyap: There is nothing to feel about fame and experience. As you can't get experience in one day. You have to struggle day to day from which you gain experience and then comes fame whether it is good or bad that depends on your work.

Interviewer: Sir please give your valuable message to viewers.

Dr. Kashyap: I just want to say one thing 'Set a goal you want to reach, then take steps one by one to achieve your goal', all others come with it.

Interviewer: Sir if you don't mind I would like to ask about other aspects of your life apart from your profession. Can I ?

Dr. Kashyap: You can but don't go too personal.

Interviewer: I have observed a photo frame when I entered your cabin. May I know about them.

Cameraman focussed on the photograph making Madhumathi remember this man from the pic Muskaan showed her. This picked her interest more.

Dr. Kashyap: That is my family. My wife and children.

Interviewer: What they do ?

Dr. Kashyap: I won't reveal more details. Just that my wife looks after them while daughter is going to be a doctor and my little one is still school going kid. Don't ask more about them. I want them to live away from public and media.

This words kept ringing in Madhumathi's ears. Those two are his children but not Muskaan. So all that is a lie. She is Khushi and is somehow related to this Kashyaps.

Flashback end

Nikhil: Oh no.

Lavanya: How my father's interview is a problem for Khushi.

Arnav: Khushi told your parents as hers when her bua doubted her and she also showed the picture which she took with your family.

Lavanya: Why no one told me ?

Khushi: I forgot about it after leaving India.

Aman: Now what we have to do ?


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