Businessman's Cardiologist - Chapter 30

 Chapter - 30

Life goes on, so are the problems along with it. Khushi and Lavanya started going to college after holidays which they spend most of the time thinking different ways to solve the problems surroundings them.

Likewise Arnav started to office. Even he had a few difficulties without Aman around him for help. So handling everything alone is getting problematic.

Nikhil joined office to learn from his parents about business. As he is the sole heir for them, he has a lot of responsibilities. He is trying his best to fulfill them.

On the other hand, Nakul is trying different ways to get near Khushi but coming with bad results as Arnav increased security for Khushi. In between he learned more about Khushi that is her history from birth, faking death and her life after reaching this country. Even after learning much, he can't do anything about that. This only increased his obsession which almost reached near psychosis.

A few months passed by with nothing big changes. But in India, everything is moving fast especially after Manorama's green signal for marriage between the Mishra girl and Malik boy. Wedding preparations are going on at super speed. Though Manorama is not that happy but managed to smile at others with little effort.

People are burrying themselves in the work placed on their shoulders to finish it early before time. Jeweller came to Gupta Mansion for the delivery of the jewels ordered by the ladies of the house.Madhumathi called office to get money.

Madhumathi: I need two crores urgently.

Man: Madam it is not in our hand. I will have to ask our boss.

Madhumathi: I need money for my daughter's marriage which is in a few days. Don't forget I am Shashi's sister.

Man: Madam sorry for the inconvenience. I will give you an answer within a few minutes.

Madhumathi: Ok do it immediately.

She is waiting anxiously for the positive response not only for daughter's marriage but also to get more cash in the name of wedding expenditures. This is her only hope to extract money for her plans to take a form and succeed. A few minutes later, she received the call she is anticipating.

Madhumathi: Yes. When can I collect money from you. Shall I send a man for it or will you transfer it to my account.

Man: Sorry madam.

Madhumathi: What do you mean by that. Are you rejecting me ? Me?

Man: No madam. We are no one to reject you. But we can't give money to you.

Madhumathi: Then what about this festivities. She was beyond angry now.

Man: Madam, you please send the bills here. We will clear them for you. You don't have to worry about expenses, Arnav sir will take of them. Be free and enjoy the wedding.

Madhumathi: Why can't you give me money I will take care.

Man: Arnav sir's orders. He don't want to burden you at this age. Please co-operate.

'Ok' Madhumathi answered him hanging on the thin shred of anger limit. She asked a man to send bills to office.

All the hopes she built are collapsed at once due to Arnav. With Payal's wedding, she thought of getting more money than the required but again it remained unsucceed.


The man from Gupta's called Arnav after answering Madhumathi.

Man: Sir Mrs.Mishra asked for money. We did as you told us.

Arnav: Good continue it. Never give her money in large amounts. Keep me informed.

Man: Ok sir.

Arnav was lost in thoughts when his cabin door is opened with a tired Khushi entering it. Seeing him lost, Khushi pecked on his lips breaking his trance. He is angry on the person who dared to touch him let alone kiss him. On seeing it is his Cookie, he relaxed and pulled her on his lap snuggling her.

Arnav: Ahhh... he sighed. You looked tired.

Khushi: I assisted a surgery today.

Arnav: My cardiologist sometimes check the heart of this poor man also who is yearning for you.

Khushi played along with him.

Khushi: What happened to you?

Arnav: See you should understand what my heart wants. You are playing with my life without giving me some peace.

Khushi: Look who is talking Arnav Singh Raizada - the famous and young businessman. You are one who terrorises the lives of your employees and putting blames on me who works hard to save a life.

Arnav: So I am a trouble for others?

Khushi: Definitely. Do you have a doubt about that. You literally give heart attacks to others by your roaring.

Arnav: Leave about others, only think about me my dear Cookie.

Khushi: Let me check. She put her ear above his heart and listened to its rhythms.

Arnav: What do you find ?

Khushi: You heartbeats increased as it is participating in a marathon. I wonder why.

Arnav: That you should find out.

Khushi: But I think your heart is little different like you may be a bit weird like you.

Arnav: It behaves different only when you are around.

Khushi: Awww.... how romantic. She looked here and there searching.

Arnav: What are you searching?

Khushi: Searching if any of your employees are here who knows they may faint seeing you like this.

Arnav glared at her flaring his nostrils. Khushi pulled his nose making him whine painfully.

Khushi: Ewww don't look at me like a fire breathing dragon. I am not your employee to shiver infront of you.

Now what can he say, he is lost of words. Arnav pulled her more into him hugging her dearly, enjoying the moment in silence.

Khushi: So when are you going to India.

Arnav: Why should I go ?

Khushi: Don't be silly. It is your cousin's wedding, you have to attend.

Arnav: Is it necessary?

Khushi: Annieee.... I am not in a state to attend my cousin's wedding atleast you don't miss on it.

Arnav: But how can I leave you here alone with that idiot behind you.

Khushi: Do you really think I am alone. Nikki bhai is with me.

Arnav: Only Nikhil.

Khushi: You have to go to India along with others.

Arnav: I won't go anywhere.

Khushi: No need. If you want you can appoint more guards for me but you need to go. Please for me.

Arnav: No.

Khushi: You must go. It is my swear.

Arnav shouted at her with anger: Khushi why do you always make me do things which I don't like.

Khushi: Then why don't you listen to me at once without arguing.

Arnav: Ok. I will go but only on one condition.

Khushi: What is that ?

Arnav: You have to take care of yourself. I will call you whenever I feel like and you have to answer. If there is a delay in answering, then I will be here in next flight.

Khushi: Ok I accept all your conditions.

Arnav: But I need something more. He asked her teasingly looking at her soft lips.

Khushi slammed her lips on his kissing him passionately. They parted only when they are out of breath.

Khushi: Is this enough ?

Arnav: Hmmm not enough. Something more.

Khushi: Ok.

Arnav: Really. Come. He leaned close pulling her even more closer.

Khushi pushed him and get up from his lap and maintained some distance much to his irritation.

Arnav: Cookie.

Khushi: Not now.


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